Wednesday, January 20, 2010

BEST Healthy Eating Project

A project created by three student council members is encouraging healthy eating at school! I know what you are thinking--10 year olds and healthy eating is an oxymoron--but it is true! They have created a point system for healthy food choices, put sticky notes on the lunch line to point out healthy choices, count the points during lunch, tally them, and have a business sponser (Georgetown Hospital) donating prizes for making healthy food choices!

Click here to see what the students have created.

Burgess Students Helping Haiti

My students never cease to amaze me. Over the long weekend, one of my students felt the need to help Haiti children and created a proposal to present to Student Council this morning. It never ceases to amaze me how civic minded children can be.

Click here to look at the proposal!

I try to teach my students to "think globally, act locally" and sometimes feel that the children just don't get it. They are too busy thinking of themselves and instant gratification--being children. Then I get a proposal like this, with a unanimous yes by student council and I know that the children are listening, and responding in ways more mature and thoughtful ways than I could have imagined!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

BEST Night

We had our second committee meeting and we are going to have a Burgess Environment Science and Technology Night. This night will showcase the student work from GT class, plus provide hands on activities for all students. The evening will look like:
For our Burgess Environment Science and Technology Night we have agreed to the following:

Gym Burgess Elementary Saving Tomorrow Projects / Signup
Museum Post Office (possible communication display) to walk through
Thursday, February 18, 2010, from 6-8pm.
6-6:10 Welcome
6:10-6:45 Student Projects and signup for sessions
6:50-7:10 Session 1
7:15-7:35 Session 2
7:40-8:00 Session 3

As of now, our sessions are:
1. Rob’s Critters Judi’s room
2. Karen’s Sea Turtles Science Lab
3. Ripley’s Animals 516
4. Dave’s Watershed 406
5. Jennifer’s Paper (SWA) Art Room
6. Jill/Jerri’s Recycled Music Music Room
7. Chris’ Weather (WBTW) Library
8. Ben’s 313 Projects: Grades 3-5 (4th-Light / 5th-Interactive habitat
activity create to teach 2nd graders)
9. 103 Projects: Grades 3-5 (4th-Light / 5th-Interactive habitat
activity create to teach 2nd graders)
10. Cafeteria Goop

What do you think? How does it look?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

About Me

I teach at Burgess Elementary School in Myrtle Beach, SC. We are a new school, built in the middle of the woods about 2 miles from the ocean. We have deer and geese on our playground and sea turtles in our front yard. We care.

As we became more aware of our school and the environment around us, we became more determined to do something to save it. Last year we installed a rain garden and learned about storm water pollution. The awareness of the problems our school was causing the environment made us want to do more. Burgess Elementary Saves Tomorrow (BEST) was born.

BEST consists of students who are learning about the problems in our environment and solutions to these problems. As they learn about genres and grammar, they are documenting their actual attempts to make today a better place and are finding ways to show the world their progress. You will see some of their work here.